Decora Smart Outlet Wi-Fi 2nd Gen

The Leviton Decora Smart Wi-Fi 2nd Gen Outlet (D215R) is a white in-wall smart outlet capable of handling diverse loads, including LED/CFL up to 5A and motor appliances up to 3/4 HP, without requiring a hub, and is compatible with Matter for simplified smart home connectivity.

Decora smart outlet wifi 2nd gen

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Added by Dave Drager
in On/Off Light on

Decora Smart Wi-Fi® 2nd Generation devices connect to a Wi-Fi network and the My Leviton app to provide wireless lighting and load control for the whole home.

Leviton’s Decora Smart Wi-Fi 2nd Gen Tamper-Resistant Outlet provides control of a variety of plug loads, including plug-in lamps, holiday lighting, electronics, and small appliances via the top-controlled outlet. The bottom outlet is always on, ideal for plugging in smartphone chargers or other devices that do not need to be controlled.

The D215R features tamper-resistant receptacles with built-in shutters to prevent the insertion of unintended foreign objects. The integrated button with vanishing feedback LED provides manual push-button on/off control and device status feedback.

The Decora Smart Wi-Fi 2nd Gen Tamper-Resistant Outlet offers exciting advantages such as choice of voice with Siri, Google, and Alexa, to satisfy the needs and preferences of any user.

With its slim profile, the device is easier to install in shallow wallboxes, and six color options make it aesthetically versatile for placement in any room of the home. Additionally, this outlet can be paired with Decora Smart Anywhere Switch Companions for wire-free switched outlet control of plugged-in devices from a wall switch in up to three locations.

Typical applications include switching of lamps, portable fans, kitchen appliances, indoor fountains, holiday lighting, and more. 

Decora Smart Outlet Wi-Fi 2nd Gen
Decora Smart Outlet Wi-Fi 2nd Gen

The Leviton Decora Smart Wi-Fi 2nd Gen Outlet (D215R) is a white in-wall smart outlet capable of handling diverse loads, including LED/CFL up to 5A and motor appliances up to 3/4 HP, without requiring a hub, and is compatible with Matter for simplified smart home connectivity.

Buy at Amazon US for $29.69


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Manufacturer Part NumberD215R
LabelDecora Smart Wi-Fi 2nd Gen Outlet
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