Radiant Smart Receptacle

The Radiant Smart Receptacle WWMRR15WH by Legrand Group, certified with Matter, enables smartphone or voice control automation for appliances, and is adaptable to various switch types including push-button, single/double-throw, and sensor-triggered systems.

Legrand radiant wifi matter smart outlet product

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MakerLegrand Group
CategoryOn/Off Plug-in Unit
Product Pagehttps://www.legrand.us/p/WWMRR15WH
Store Price
Amazon US $15.41 Amazon US
Added by Dave Drager
in On/Off Plug-in Unit on
Radiant Smart Receptacle
Radiant Smart Receptacle

The Radiant Smart Receptacle WWMRR15WH by Legrand Group, certified with Matter, enables smartphone or voice control automation for appliances, and is adaptable to various switch types including push-button, single/double-throw, and sensor-triggered systems.

Buy at Amazon US for $15.41


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Manufacturer Part NumberWWMRR15WH
LabelRadiant Smart Receptacle
Certification IDCSA24244MAT43255-24
Latest Firmware Version202406201
User Manualhttps://www.legrand.us/p/WWMRR15WH
Support URLhttps://www.legrand.us/p/WWMRR15WH
Product Pagehttps://www.legrand.us/p/WWMRR15WH
Software Versions
  1. 202406201 Latest

    Certificate: CSA24244MAT43255-24