Eve Thermo Control

The Eve Thermo Control (20ECK9901) is a temperature sensor that enables precise automated heating adjustments and supports direct communication with Matter-compatible systems and voice assistants.

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CategoryTemperature Sensor
Product Pagehttps://www.evehome.com/en/eve-thermo-control
Added by Dave Drager
in Temperature Sensor on and last verified on

Comfort and convenience on the spot. In combination with Eve Thermo radiator valve, Eve Thermo Control measures and maintains your desired temperature automatically according to its location in the room.

It's a new era for Eve Thermo: a free firmware upgrade to the new smart home standard Matter will boost comfort, convenience, and control to new heights. Direct communication with the new Eve Thermo Control enables precise automated heating, and by adding Amazon Alexa, Samsung SmartThings, or Google Home as a secondary platform, everyone in the home can quickly adjust the temperature through their preferred voice assistant or app.

Eve Thermo Control
Eve Thermo Control

The Eve Thermo Control (20ECK9901) is a temperature sensor that enables precise automated heating adjustments and supports direct communication with Matter-compatible systems and voice assistants.

Buy at Amazon DE for €49.99


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Manufacturer Part Number20ECK9901
LabelEve Thermo Control
Certification IDCSA24421MAT43732-24
Latest Firmware Version3.5.0
Software Versions
  1. 3.5.0 Latest

    Certificate: CSA24421MAT43732-24

    Download Firmware Checksum: 868Uf2cGxaPgEJneR5ZHR7XS+5jLW0a5r5+ts94m9Hw= Release Notes
  2. 3.3.0

    Certificate: CSA23B71MAT41682-24